Group Exhibitions
Exhibits at "Heaven and Earth," Agora Gallery. New York City, NY, USA. April-May, 2018.

Participates in the 41st annual Senior Art Contest & Exhibit. San Diego, CA, USA. October 3-17, 2016.

Participates in the annual “Salon Senior Art Show” contest. San Diego, CA, USA. October 2007 – October 2014.
Exhibits at the "Hall of Nations," organized by the House of Argentina, Balboa Park. San Diego, CA, USA. August 3, 2008.
Exhibits at the “Plaza of the Past,” Old Town State Historic Park. San Diego, CA, USA. November 1-2 and December 13-14, 2005.

Installs his studio at the “Avalon Gallery,” North Park, on permanent exhibition. San Diego, CA, USA. November 2003 – October 2004.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. October 12, 2003.
Exhibits at the San Diego Center for the Moving Arts, 3255 5th Avenue, San Diego, CA, USA. October 5, 2003.
Exhibits at the waterfront center, “Seaport Village.” San Diego, CA, USA. August - September 2003.
Exhibits at the “Hall of Religious Paintings,” 5th Avenue Episcopal Church, Hillcrest. San Diego, CA, USA. July 16-26, 2003.

Exhibits at “The Center for the Moving Arts Gallery,” Hillcrest. San Diego, CA, USA. July 13 – August 21, 2003.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. June 13, 2003.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. March 14, 2003.

Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. March 23, 2001.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. December 1, 2000.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery” during “Art Walk” event. San Diego, CA, USA. April 29 – May 5, 2000.
Exhibits at “Studio 402 Gallery.” San Diego, CA, USA. March 22, 2000.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. February 11, 2000.
Exhibits at “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. October 1, 1999.
Participates in the annual “Little Italy Art Walk” on India Street. San Diego, CA, USA. 1996-1999.
Installs his studio in the artist building, “The Brokers Building Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. 1994 – 2003.

Exhibits at "Better World Gallery," 4010 Gold Finch Street, San Diego, CA, USA. January 30, 1994.
Exhibits at the “Praxis Gallery;” group shows organized by A.P.A.C. City of Cordoba, Argentina. December 23, 1992.
Exhibits at the “Gallery of the Incan Princess of Nogaró;” group shows organized by A.P.A.C. City of Cordoba, Argentina. December 22, 1992.
“Twelve Visual Artists” exhibit at the Villa Del Rosario Municipal Historic Museum. Province of Cordoba, Argentina. July 9, 1992.
Exhibits with “Group ELECE,” commemorating the artist group’s 25-year anniversary, at the José Malanca Municipal Center for Exhibitions. City of Cordoba, Argentina. July 3, 1992.
Participates in the “Honey Expo 92” art show along with fellow visual artists, including Adriana Álvarez, Mónica Brandi, María Olmos, Enrique Garaycochea, and Hugo Martínez. Province of Cordoba, Argentina. February 7-9, 1992.
Invited by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of San Marcos Sierras, Professor Enrique Garaycochea, to participate in the “Honey Expo 92.” January 22, 1992.
Exhibits at the “Syrian Lebanese Society Hall.” City of Cordoba, Argentina. November 23, 1990.
Participates in the 4th Annual Painting Hall of the Senator of the Province; paints oil on canvas titled “Serrano Landscape.” City of Cordoba, Argentina. November 20, 1990.
Exhibits at the "Rizzutto Gallery" in the municipality of the City of Carlos Paz. Province of Cordoba, Argentina. September 20-30, 1988.
Exhibits in “Greenwich Village West Art Gallery,” Downtown. San Diego, CA, USA. April 1985.
Participates in various group exhibitions with artist Valerie J. Benson at the Old Town State Historic Park. San Diego, CA, USA. 1984.

Invited to participate in the exhibition “California Murals – Off the Wall Mural Art in Progress.” Chavez’s piece, titled “Past and Present” (painted on panels), is a traveling exhibition shown across the United States, sponsored by San Diego State University (SDSU). San Diego, CA, USA. March 20 – May 24, 1983.

Has permanent exhibition at the FONAPAS Cultural Center “Art Corner,” along with local and invited painters, such as artist Valerie J. Benson. 1979-1982.
Participates in the group show “The Friends of Acapulco A.C.” at the Bahía Gallery, Hotel El Presidente. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. February 15-24, 1980.
Participates in the Mural Painting Contest at the “International Festival of Taming and Folklore” of Jesús María. Province of Cordoba, Argentina. December 1976.
Participates with architect/painter Mónica Marino in the mural contest organized by the “Association of Cordoba Jockey Club Employees,” earning 3rd Prize. City of Cordoba, Argentina. August 29, 1976.

Exhibits at the Avenida Hildalgo Group Exhibition (sidewalk art), sponsored by the Secretary of Culture. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. March 17 – April 18, 1975.
Exhibits with local painters at the permanent exhibition of the “Garden of Art” at Tlacopanocha Beach. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. February 1972 – June 1975.

Exhibits with local painters at the “Florene Room Gallery,” FONAPAS Cultural Center. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. March 10-20, 1975.
Exhibits at the Foreign Friends Gallery of Acapulco. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. January 7-17, 1974.

Exhibits with local artists at the Convention Center Gallery. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. November 15-25, 1973.
Finishes the commissioned oil on canvas painting titled “Emerald Collar” for the American film starring Robert Vaughn, filmed partly in Acapulco. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. November 21, 1973.
Exhibits with local artists at the inauguration of the School of Fine Arts at the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. September 28, 1973.
Exhibits with local artists at the Hotel Plaza International Hyatt Regency Gallery. Acapulco, GRO, Mexico. March 22-29, 1973.
Exhibits at the Embassy Hall of Argentina. Mexico City, Mexico. January 20, 1972.
Participates in Mural Painting Contest with themes dedicated to “Martin Fierro,” an epic poem by Argentine writer José Hernández; obtains “First Honorable Mention.” City of Cosquín (“International Capital of Folklore”), Province of Cordoba, Argentina. January 1967.
Participates in the “Pavement Painting Contest” on 25th of May Street. City of Cordoba, Argentina. July 1966.